Sunday, July 15, 2012

EDL march in Bristol: Final preparations underway for march and counter-protests

After weeks of debate over a controversial march by the English Defence League in Bristol, the demonstration will be taking place today.

The EDL will be marching through the streets of Bristol at 1pm from Redcliffe Wharf to Queen Square, where they will be listening to speeches during the afternoon.

But there will be several counter-protests - including a march from anti-EDL group We Are Bristol.

Police yesterday warned anti-EDL protestors to stay away from the fountains area in the city centre.

The group claim they have been forced by police to move their event to Castle Park.

The routes of the marches by the far-right EDL, which says it is protesting at the "Islamification" of Bristol, and opponents who say it attracts violent, racist supporters, will pass within 200 metres of each other.

Police are aiming to contain the two protests to ensure a trouble-free day.

The first group of officers have been briefed this morning and there is a strong police presence in the city centre.

Assistant Chief Constable Anthony Bangham said this morning that they had been clearing the streets of "unnecessary vehicles", and putting barriers up to help keep the different groups apart.

He said he wanted to ensure that shoppers and tourists hoping to enjoy Bristol today as usual could do so.

"We have briefed the first officers to be deployed onto the ground," he said.

"We have told them to be friendly and supportive."

He said there were mounted police and officers with dogs in the centre later today to help police the events and keep EDL protestors and counter-demonstrators apart.

He said if they did find a way to come together, any violence or disorder would be met with a "firm police response".

The We Are Bristol protest will start at 1pm in Castle Park and follow a circular route around the outside of the park.

Supporters of We Are Bristol will march to Bristol Bridge and from there follow a circular route back to the park along High Street, Wine Street, Newgate, Broad Weir and Lower Castle Street.

Once back at the park there will be a rally with the event expected to have concluded by 4.30pm.

The counter-protest will start at the same time as the planned EDL march.

The two protests also clash with Bristol's Pride festival taking place on College Green.

And it has also been announced that another anti-EDL march is planned by sexual orientation equality group LGBTQI.

The group will be dressed in Pink and Black and will carry banners and placards opposing the EDL from Berkeley Square, Clifton, through Bristol.

The EDL claim they are marching to highlight the "Islamification" of Bristol, but opposition groups accuse them of exaggerating racial divisions and inciting racism.

It is understood that a number of bars and restaurants on Welsh Back, where the EDL will be passing on their march, will be closed today.

Tomorrow a celebration of multiculturalism will be staged in the city.

Bristol Multi-Faith Forum is hosting the All Together Bristol event, supported by Bristol City Council, at 2pm in Millennium Square.

Are you going to any of today's events? Email us with your photos and your accounts of what you see. Follow @thisisbristol on Twitter for updates through the day - you can also send us links to your photos and videos by tweeting us.

EDL march in Bristol: Final preparations underway for march and counter-protests

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