Sunday, June 24, 2012

De-Stress By (Temporarily) Disconnecting!

I made a resolution this year to de-stress by disconnecting. Let's face it, with the advances in technology that are supposed to make our lives easier -- cell phones, smart phones, iPads, email, social networking -- our lives have also become a lot more hectic. Gone are the days where we can leave the house for a few hours and enjoy some peace and quiet. No matter where we are, we can be reached through our phones via calls, texts, Facebook, Twitter, email, LinkedIn... the list goes on and on. Many of us find ourselves working long after we've left the office -- after all, our bosses can reach us any time they want. And when we do make time to get out and enjoy ourselves, we're busy using our phones to check in. It's no wonder we all struggle to find ways to relax.

For one (waking) hour a day, I am now electronics-free. I turn off my phone (oh the horror!), my laptop and my TV. It doesn't much matter what I do during that hour; just knowing that I have that time just for me, that no one can disturb, is relaxing in itself. To recharge, sometimes we have to unplug.


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