Monday, April 30, 2012

The Mystery of a Book Bus Tour

The Atria Mystery Bus tour took off April 12th. Four authors traveled 2,350 miles in eight days to 12 cities, 12 bookstores and talked about our work to well over 300 readers. I think that what made the strongest impression on me is John Connolly's wonderful Irish brogue. I hear myself thinking in that cadence even as I write this. Or maybe it was finding out we couldn't flush toilet paper down the toilet.

No, seriously. It was much we all love books. The authors on the tour. The tour managers, Frank and Ryan, who had us sign personal copies to each of them and listened to every talk we gave. The amazing booksellers who hosted us. And the readers, the readers, the readers who came out to see us. Some coming from almost as far away as we did -- one gentleman drove over three and a half hours to meet Connolly and get his books signed. And the incredible collectors. One had the 1998 self-published version of Lip Service. Only 2500 were ever printed.


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